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The Pitfalls of On-Line Conveyancing

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You may have ran into the new buzz phrase in the conveyancing world known as “On-line Conveyancing”,  a process where the legal tasks involved are handled purely over the phone or on-line. In an increasingly busy world, this may seem an attractive option at first instance, with the sometimes illusory, promise of cheaper fees and a speedier process.

The Kingsfords Conveyancing team believes a balance has to be struck between human inter-action and  IT. Certainly having a client portal will enable you to establish the progress of a transaction and afford you some comfort.

This apparent convenience however, can come at a cost if purely an on-line service is offered.

For example, some on-line quotes may not tell you the whole picture as they do not include additional fees and disbursements, which may come as an unexpected surprise. On-line Conveyancers often take on a high volume case-load to compensate them for the lower fees – which can lead to delays in your transaction.

Sometimes there may be multiple anonymous people working on your file at an “on-line factory” making it harder for you to speak by telephone, or even face to face with a person fully conversant to your file and dedicated to it completing.

Buying or selling a house is the highest value transaction most individuals will encounter in their lifetimes and inevitably, it can be a little stressful.  Rather than retain On-line Conveyancers with their distinct lack of personal service, please do take advantage of our very human team of conveyancing experts, who will guide you through your sale, purchase or re-mortgage as required.