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5 Top tips for selling your home

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Buying a new home is exciting, however the reverse is often true when selling a property. It takes roughly 2-3 months to sell, so apply these tips to attract potential buyers.

1. First Impressions are Essential

It is important to ensure that the front of the house, garden and driveway look as attractive as possible. Perhaps invest in these areas, to make the difference between an offer being made, or not.

2. Give Potential Buyers a Warm Reception

Make sure that your heating is on before any viewings, to create a cosy ambiance. A clutter-free home feels more spacious and cared for, whilst a manicured garden will appear more inviting.

3. Offensive Odours

Many people forget considering how the house smells. Use a neutral air freshener, or diffuser to provide a pleasant scent throughout your home.

4. Marketing Your Property

Hiring an estate agent is invariably worthwhile, as despite it being possible to market the property yourself, often there is no substitute for an Agent’s expertise and local knowledge.

Using the services of an Agent will ordinarily ensure that they :

  • Use high-quality photographs.
  • Choose a great lead photo.
  • Focus on the best highlights when describing your property.
  • Sell the Lifestyle, not just the property

5. Choosing the right residential conveyancing solicitor

The legal process when selling can be complex and stressful. Having the correct conveyancing solicitor to support and guide you through the process is essential. Do your research.