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Child Care Up-date

View profile for Helen Cojeen
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Helen Cojeen a Senior Solicitor and Head of the Child Care Department at Kingsfords Solicitors Limited, recently instructed Counsel to appear in the Court of Appeal when successfully appealing against an earlier decision of a local judge, HHJ Scarratt, who had refused an application to place a child for adoption and required the local authority to amend their care plan, for the child to be placed in long term foster care.  (Re: M (A Child).

Lady Justice Macur, Lord Justice Bean and Lady Judge Andrews allowed the Appeal and remitted the case for re-hearing, pending the release of their reserved written reasons.

The hearing was streamed live by the Court on its dedicated You Tube stream.

Helen proposes to comment further upon the general wider implications of the case as appropriate in due course.

Child Care Up-date

View profile for Helen Cojeen
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